Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Digital Blog G, Chapter 8

Blog G

First, Electronic Communication between Teachers and Students talks about the different types of ways there is, such as- Email/text messaging, Teacher or classroom websites, Blogs, online discussions, and wiki’s. Teachers and students can use these communication technologies to share ideas and information for educational purposes and different audiences. I chose this concept since it’s necessary to have an effective way to communicate with one another, as a student and/or teacher.

Second, Engaging Students is important to their learning and to your teaching success. When students and teachers engage during a learning discussions and involve hands-on activities, the learning will have greater results, oppose to having discussions followed with worksheets and tests, in which students lose interest in. Web-based materials and activities put students in the position of “doing” (which I call hands-on) activities and projects such as math, science, history or language. This concept was chosen since it really does matter how well students engage and participate in class tasks and/or discussion, since the mind gets very well expanded and knowledge is gained.

Third, Establish Clear rules for online conduct, talks about the importance of maintaining respectful discussions online, just as it would be in “face to face” classes. It’s important for teachers to inform students of what and how it’s expected to carry on discussions online. Even though, online learning means we sit behind a screen, that doesn’t make it ok to offend either a teacher or a fellow classmate. With online discussions, teachers must find ways to engage students and come up with ideas; online discussions also make it clear for students to dominate the conversation. I chose this concept since it does help students engage in class discussions, for example I am one to not engage much more then I have to, in a “face to face” discussions, oppose to a one online where I may participate more.

In conclusion, I chose all these concepts because to me they come hand in hand to help students learn whether it’s through an electronic device, classroom, and/or a textbook. It also helps out when students have a question and/or help with an assignment and they can reach their teacher at the click of a keypad, rather than having to schedule an appointment and drive to the classroom and/or office for assistance and by the time of arrival the question would more than likely forgotten. Adding to communication between students, this also helps engage students and teachers in discussions about the learning topic. When using technology between students and teachers it’s important to maintain clear rules that are mutual between both the students and teachers, that will make learning more easier and fun.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Pelvin, R. (2013, January 14). Student Engagement And Motivation Tips - HOW to engage your students. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Acosta, I. (2015, February 26). Kahoot! Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Digital Blog #F Chapter 10

Digital Blog #F

First, I chose Multicultural Education in 21st Century Schools; which is used by multicultural educators to organize teaching and learning. This helps achieve multiple outcomes at the same time, while providing information about individuals and groups who are different from them while offering diverse students opportunities to locate them and their histories and other cultures within the school curriculum. I found this topic interesting since, we are in a diverse country and what better way to learn from different cultural through education. 

Second, Assistive Technology to reach Diverse learners, which would be using technology to help teachers to differentiate instruction and purse  a unique design, which enables individuals with disabilities. I chose this topic since it offers various ways to help teach a diverse learner through technology, depending on the assistive technology necessary for each individuals need. What better way than to teach a by using a tool that students love most, since technology is a tool we enjoy using the most. For some reason, it gains interest and engages students of all ages in learning.
                                  photo credit to:

Third, is Process Approaches to Writing, I chose this since it has been the center of writing and very important as well. Writing has stages that should be followed in proper writing, such as- pre-writing/brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. I think these are very important and yet not always followed properly by students of all ages, I myself am guilty of not doing so. So, I find it important to always review the process to writing. 

In conclusion, all these three concepts were interesting because I was able to view past technology; it wasn’t just about what technology can be used, but with how and for whom.  Although I found all three to be important I would say that the third concept would be the one I would practice more, since I don’t follow those stages.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Digital Blog E

Digital Blog E, Chapter 7

First, kid pix is an educational program that began as a paint program and evolved into multimedia art studio more than twenty years ago. Kid pix can be used by teachers with the curriculum to accomplish creative learning, which is like pretty much what students in elementary do on paper, can be uniquely done with kid pix. I like the idea of teachers and students using kid pix, not only is it educational, but sound like having fun when creating or completing tasks, and learning at the same time. I myself, enjoy creating posters or any kind of project and most of all when it involves learning.

photo credit to

Second, strategies for using games with students, is something teachers have to think about how and what games to use or implement into their curriculum. Therefore, teachers promote “time on task” games, yet, only chose one or two games that develop in a specific skill. I guess the question I would ask is whether or not this strategy would be beneficial to both, the student and/or the teacher or just one or the other? Would it have in impact in the way the teacher teachers? Or the student learns?

Third, is ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) which is powerful new software program that promotes inquiry learning through the computer responses to student’s action. Since, the computer is recording any questions asked by students and make predictions about what is and isn’t known by the users. This allows children to practice, which will help them become better as academic learners and test-takers. This is a very great and interesting technique, who would have thought about having computer based tutors? I know I wouldn’t! most of all I like the fact that students can see their learning progress in real time. In which, in my opinion is beneficial to both the student and the teacher. 

In conclusion, I really enjoyed reading this chapter, since not only does it talk about different ways of using technology in the curriculum, but it explained what and how to be used. I found all three concepts to be interesting, although I like the third one best, I found it more interesting on how students can be tutored by or through a computer and how it shows the progress of any information provided and/or administered.

photo credit to toondoo/irisacosta

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

ITS-Interview. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2015, from

<a href=''><img src='

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Digital Blog #4 D

Digital Blog D chapter 5

First, Teachers and students have a constant need for accurate, interesting, and relevant educational information. Information enables teachers to develop lively curricula, update academic knowledge, and answer student questions. Students use information to write papers and essays, prepare for exams, develop personal talents, and propel their quest for knowledge. Information is the currency of learning in schools. Information can be found throughout libraries, reading books and magazines, taking classes, and attending conferences and presentations; and now the internet is the has become one of the biggest sources when searching for information and the number one source for adults when searching for information on restaurants, local business, housing, schools, and jobs. By 2010, the Internet had “surpassed newspapers and radio in popularity as a news platform on a typical day and now ranks just behind TV” ( Purcell, Rainie, Mitchell, Rosenstiel, & Olmstead, 2010, p. 2). Teachers use the internet to teach important educational information and students learn academically.  Now days all the schools and classrooms have access to internet based resources, and unfortunately the low-income areas do not have the same high-speed broad-brand services. (US Dept of Commerce, 2012).

Second, making sure we know how to search is very important, the last thing we need is to look for information through the wrong websites.  For example; if I am searching on how to make play dough for a preschool class, the internet can give search results from making it with flour, salt and water to flour, boiling water, food coloring, oil etc etc. and obviously I will use what’s easier and safer for preschool children. It’s important to make sure we teach our students to follow strategies and learning how to search and find information correctly.

Third, knowing how to evaluate the online information and making sure it’s the correct information we are searching for since, the search engine doesn’t know who is behind it, such as a child or an adult. Evaluating the information can go hand in hand with knowing how to use the search engine, therefore, we’re not in doubt when using the websites and much less, use the correct information in which we will be using for either teaching students and/or completing an assignment.
Photo credit to Pure 9 on Flickr 

In conclusion, it is very important to not only know how to search and how to evaluate a website, but to use the internet for literacy as well, therefore it will help by learning how type, search and read the information researched. Internet use has gained popularity, since it is much more convenient, especially to those who have the resources to do so. 

<a href=''><img src='' border='0'  alt='blog d' title='Click to View Full Size Image' ></a><br><div style='font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: left; width: 100%;'>By <a href=''>iacosta0708</a> | <a href=''>View this Toon at ToonDoo</a> | <a href=''>Create your own Toon</a></div>


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

 Learning About Earth Day: Developing Internet. (2011, November 25). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from http://learning about earth day/'