Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Reflective Post Blog

Final Reflective Post Blog

Photo credit

My journey this semester with Intro to Technology for Educators was interesting; I really enjoyed learning more about technology and especially learning how to create blog’s, wiki’s, webpages, citing resources, and many more. I always knew my way around technology since its self-explained, therefore learning how to create certain web items was different, since I had only ever created a Facebook, twitter, and Instagram, in which I would just create it and use it. I realized how important it was to give attribution and cite sources used in my work and will continue to do so. I know I have more to learn and therefore I will continue to practice what I have learned.

I enjoyed reading the text book and learning the correct terminology to all the technology based items, the way they’re used, and the benefits in a classroom/education. The discussions were something that I have learned differently in my other classes, I usually have to give my opinion over a certain topic chosen and then reply to two classmates, whether I agree or disagree and why. I really enjoyed working on all the assignments assigned, for I have practiced and learned to do much more than I thought I could and I am also aware that I have more to learn!

I would definitely recommend this class to others, It’s a class that seems challenging, yet enjoyable and most of all knowledge is gained that will help prepare me/us for the future, whether it’s for the classroom, homework, personal and or business use. I like the way you made the class interesting with having us work with different things, such as the textbook, websites, wikis, delicious, games, etc. instead of getting our information of the textbook only; and teaching us how to navigate outside of Google when looking up information and/or doing research. 

  Crouch, K. (2013, July 8). ASB Online - Learning with Web 2 Tools. Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
  Flickr. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from  

(n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from   

  YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Digital Blog L Chapter 12

Digital Blog # L Chapter 12

First, Bring Your Own Technology Programs (BYOT/BYOD) is the program where students are invited to bring any technology device they have at home so they can use at school for their daily learning experiences. In some cases students may purchase or rent inexpensive laptop from a local reseller, when schools cannot afford laptops for each student. This is something that is becoming popular in most schools and actually encouraging students to take their device to school. I don’t really agree with this program, as it was mentioned in the book of how some students will have newer devices than others. And as a parent I feel like it puts pressure on my daughters in taking their own device to school because some of their classmates do so.

Second, Digital Pens and Digital Notepads are devices that can be used to record any written information onto a computer. A Digital Pen is a writing device that records words that someone has written or spoken and they can be accessed on a computer which converts content into typed text (Pogue, 2008). Digital Notepads are the devices that allow users to write and draw and then convert the images to digital text. Digital pens are used in technology to make on-the-spot observations or assessments and consolidate them onto a permanent file for later use; and students can engage during the writing process and express their first draft of ideas. These digital items sound interesting and would like to try them in the future when I become a teacher. I can visualize how this would be something that would promote students engagement during their learning time.

 Third, Developing a Technology-Learning Mindset, teachers are constantly willing to investigate how digital technology can be used to transform teaching and learning in schools. This form requires both creativity and critical thinking; exploring variety of technology tools for their education. Both teachers and students benefit from this, since there is always more to learn, grow, and lead altogether. Using variety of tools helps change the learning styles and make it more fun and interesting. Learning should always have new ways to present materials and avoid falling into a basic classroom with old routines and same techniques.

In conclusion, I have found that the tree concepts are important and necessary when it comes to education, especially as the future unravels more and more around technology. Using these technology tools will help make learning materials more presentable, which will catch the interest of the students. As a personal experience I enjoy being creative and colorful.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Penbook: Bringing Pen Paper Interaction to a Tablet Device. (2013, October 7). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Digital Blog K, Chapter 6

Digital Blog K, Chapter 6

First, Web Quests are online inquiries by students which are designed and guided by teachers. Web quests follow an electronic map or touring online from one web resource to the next. They are designed to teach students about a certain topic and the information is digital; therefore teachers pre-select and assess the sites that the students will visit. I chose this concept since I have just finished creating one; Aside from the technical difficulties I experienced, I must say that I really enjoyed it and will be creating more in the future as a teacher. They will help teachers when teaching a lesson and easy to use, students already enjoy using technology, why not implement them into their daily learning?

Second, Online Learning and Virtual Schools are among the most discussed and hotly debated aspects of the digital revolution in education today. Online Learning or Distance Learning- refers to the delivery of educational experiences through computers and other technologies. Virtual Schools- when educational organizations teach students mainly through online learning; these students never enter a brick-and-mortar school building, in which they take all their classed and exams in computers. In my personal opinion this is something that benefits most of the college students, since college is where we come to start our career journey and we can work around our work schedule and daily routines and vice versa. But how beneficial is it for students to k-12 do schooling on line or virtually? I mean yes it sounds great, as parents we don’t have to worry about difficulties or issues that face to face learning may bring, but what about having our children at home all day? Or depriving them from a social life? That is why I think that it’s important to have Blended/Hybrid Learning, which it consists of both face to face and online learning.

Third, Student-to- Expert Communication websites, are websites designed to assist and/or provide resources for students in need; e-tutoring focuses on helping the students, such as if they need extra help in learning a certain math formula and or problem solving the equation. Telementoring usually provides opportunities in learning about careers in different fields. I find this to be great for the older students, such as the high school and college students, since there is times in where we forget how to work out a certain equations and how convenient is it that we just have to message our instructor right when we need the assistance.

In conclusion, I would find these three concepts, especially now that technology can be used during teaching, and most schools are enhancing “BYOD.”

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

  What is K12 Online Learning? Online Schools For Students Everywhere. (2007, November 20). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from   

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Digital Blog J Chapter 11

Blog J, Ch 11

First, Digital Teaching Portfolios, are used for teachers to store basically anything that they have gained that has enhanced and/or been useful for teachers in their career; such as- any activities, observations from field experiences, volunteer hours etc in a digital format. This portfolio is designed to help save all these materials, which will become useful when beginning a teacher career.

Second, Democratic Schools and Classroom, allows students and teachers to engage and work together. This allows students to make decisions about important learning educational aspects. Although, students make some decisions, teachers are the ones in charge.  

Third, Involving Students in Learning through Feedback, which is somewhat similar to the Democratic Schools and Classroom, yet this, allows students to have more feedback on what they are learning and how things are being taught by the teachers. Before any lesson is taught students talk about the importance of feedback, the form figure 11.5 is what is used and turned in after the lesson.

In conclusion, these three concepts would be useful to me by using a digital portfolio to store all the materials, activities and resources I’ve created or used for myself as a teacher and the Democratic Schools and Involving students in feedback would be something I would definitely implement in my classroom, since I know how important it is to involve students in their education and discussions. Providing feedback will help me understand and improve myself as a teacher with students and vice versa.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

 Teachers e-portfolio.wmv. (2010, May 27). Retrieved March 28, 2015, from 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Digital Blog I, Ch 4

Blog I Chapter 4

First, Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures (How to teach), talks about what each term means and how it’s used in educating students. Goals-are the reasons why lessons are being taught, Methods- are the instructional strategies teachers use to teach academic material to students; whether it’s a small or large group, discussions, lectures, role-plays, etc., Procedures- are the scheduling and grouping of students by teachers during a lesson and the decision of how much time to spend on the activities; teachers combine these three concepts for daily learning. I chose this concept because although I know that importance in teaching lessons, I have learned the exact terminology of each and know how they are meant to be combined to teach students

Second, Learning Assessments (knowing what students have learned), is tracking the educational development of the students, and how learning assessments occur before, during, and after teaching lessons, which then enable teachers to evaluate their students’ knowledge, understanding and performance. I chose this concept, since I agree that students should be assessed and evaluated to see where they are educationally, and how they have progressed, for what is the purpose of teaching lessons and not keeping track of their developmental progress.

Third, Web Resources and Apps for Student Assessments are technology tools that can be used to create ways and provide resources that help teachers when assessing students. Using these tools will help teachers set up guidelines and rules of what is expected, how it will be graded and where to find them online or an app.

 In conclusion,  chose the three concepts since I find them to be very important when preparing a lesson plan and/or assessing a student; whereas it’s very important to make sure the lesson has a positive outcome regardless of what and how the three concepts are implemented. I have learned the correct terminology of things I do on a daily basis as a teacher and most of all learned of different resources available to help become a better teacher to my students.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.,
Kahoot. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015, from

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Digital Blog H, Chapter 9

Digital Blog H Chapter 9

First, PowerPoint and the Next Generation Presentation Tools, explains how it’s a multimedia software package that is used in most of today’s computers and widely used in schools. PowerPoint presentations are where projects are written on paper can be passed on to the computer and enhanced with images and audio that relate to the item being discussed in form of a slide show. I chose this concept since I grew up learning from them when I was in middle and high school, and at that time they were interesting to me, since I would always wonder how they were passed on to a computer screen and then to the projector. I personally have used PowerPoint presentations in some of my classes in the past, and I must say that I really enjoy it since I can add audio, which basically helps explain itself.

Second, Alphabet Books, are books mainly used by kindergarten to second graders, when used to practice spelling patterns, letter sounds, vocabulary words, and reading skill. Students can create them by using photos, and or hand drawn images. These Alphabet Books can be used over and over and students can use objects from around the room. The reason I chose this concept is because I can relate to similar books, I have experienced the joy my students (VPK) have while looking at something they have created and learned the material they have illustrated or seeing their picture in a book.

Third, Technology Transformation Lesson Plan, is where a lesson plan can be created through technology and or implement activities found on line. The example given in the books shows a lesson plan that explains the areas of focus. I chose this concept since I think that it’s important to have a DAP (Development Appropriate Practice) and age-appropriate lessons. A very well planned lesson plan will focus on the areas desired to teach, the objectives/goals and the materials being used. Of course it’s important to be prepared with all the materials needed to teach the curriculum. I have used technology to plan activities for my children, for example when learning a certain letter I have so many ideas, yet I want to make them beneficial and simple when completing them. For example in the images below the letter “S” is cut out by my assistant, since I want my children to be able to recognize and identify letter “S” and the other activity is the sun, which my children cut out their own shapes out and glued them the way they wanted. This helped them learn cutting skills and creating their sun they way they wanted to.
                                     Photo Credit to: Iris Acosta 3/11/2015

In conclusion, I chose all these three concepts, since I have known for PowerPoint to be a very popular source when presenting projects and or notes, Alphabet books are very helpful when teaching young children how to read and or spell, up to the second grade and frequently implement similar activities with my students, as well as word flash cards, and Technology Transformation Lesson Plan, which helps transform a regular lesson plan onto a computer and easier to print out. And as I mentioned before, I think the way a lesson planned is set up is the way a class will help the students stay in routine and or be out of control.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Digital Blog G, Chapter 8

Blog G

First, Electronic Communication between Teachers and Students talks about the different types of ways there is, such as- Email/text messaging, Teacher or classroom websites, Blogs, online discussions, and wiki’s. Teachers and students can use these communication technologies to share ideas and information for educational purposes and different audiences. I chose this concept since it’s necessary to have an effective way to communicate with one another, as a student and/or teacher.

Second, Engaging Students is important to their learning and to your teaching success. When students and teachers engage during a learning discussions and involve hands-on activities, the learning will have greater results, oppose to having discussions followed with worksheets and tests, in which students lose interest in. Web-based materials and activities put students in the position of “doing” (which I call hands-on) activities and projects such as math, science, history or language. This concept was chosen since it really does matter how well students engage and participate in class tasks and/or discussion, since the mind gets very well expanded and knowledge is gained.

Third, Establish Clear rules for online conduct, talks about the importance of maintaining respectful discussions online, just as it would be in “face to face” classes. It’s important for teachers to inform students of what and how it’s expected to carry on discussions online. Even though, online learning means we sit behind a screen, that doesn’t make it ok to offend either a teacher or a fellow classmate. With online discussions, teachers must find ways to engage students and come up with ideas; online discussions also make it clear for students to dominate the conversation. I chose this concept since it does help students engage in class discussions, for example I am one to not engage much more then I have to, in a “face to face” discussions, oppose to a one online where I may participate more.

In conclusion, I chose all these concepts because to me they come hand in hand to help students learn whether it’s through an electronic device, classroom, and/or a textbook. It also helps out when students have a question and/or help with an assignment and they can reach their teacher at the click of a keypad, rather than having to schedule an appointment and drive to the classroom and/or office for assistance and by the time of arrival the question would more than likely forgotten. Adding to communication between students, this also helps engage students and teachers in discussions about the learning topic. When using technology between students and teachers it’s important to maintain clear rules that are mutual between both the students and teachers, that will make learning more easier and fun.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Pelvin, R. (2013, January 14). Student Engagement And Motivation Tips - HOW to engage your students. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from

Acosta, I. (2015, February 26). Kahoot! Retrieved February 26, 2015, from